How Can People Overcome a Bad Credit Loan and Refinansiering

Getting a debenture with bad credit is pretty hard. Poor credit rating is the biggest hurdle for half of the population when getting a new housing loan. For most individuals, the good news is that it is a hurdle that can be overcome. Bad credit mortgages have become pretty easy to get in recent years, as the country’s economy emerged from the housing bubble and home loan lending firms gradually eased their credit standards. 

While specialized bad home loan lending firms of this kind seen in the early to mid-2000s are still pretty uncommon, big banks and other regular housing lending firms are increasingly willing to make debentures to individuals with lower or poor credit scores. Whether individuals can get a debenture with bad credits will depend on a couple of factors. 

First, a lot of it depends on the financial institution - lending firms differ greatly in their standards when it comes to approving bad credit mortgages, and some will permit lower credit scores compared to other organizations. Second, it will depend on how bad the person’s credit rating is - they will have an easier time getting a home loan with ratings of 640 and higher compared to a score of 580 or lower. 

A foreclosure or bankruptcy on people’s records will make it harder, although these things can sometimes be overcome. Third, it will depend on people’s overall financial standing. Have they held the same job for the past couple of years? Is their income strong and steady? How much can they put up for a DP (down payment)? What is their debt load look like - do they have tons of outstanding bills? 

Usually, the challenge with bad or poor credit housing debenture is not so much qualifying for these things but paying the cost and price. Financial institutions like conventional banks, credit unions, or online lending firms usually charge higher home refinance debenture rates and fees on home loans with bad or poor credits and may need a larger DP as well. In some instances, financial institutions may also require borrowers to show evidence of their financial reserve enough to cover from a couple of months to several years or housing debenture payments.

Can people get loans with bad or poor credits?

Most of that depends on how people define poor credits. Surprisingly, there is no set definition. Here is a general estimation of the range of these scores. Excellent scores are usually defined as scores of 740 or higher on the FICO scoring system, which ranges from 300 to 850. 

Scores in this range will allow individuals to qualify for the best housing debenture terms and rates. A good or excellent rating is a bit unpredictable to define. Some people define this as a range from 680 to 739, which will allow individuals to qualify for a debenture with most lending firms. 

But interest rates (IRs) on traditional home loans backed by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae climb noticeably as ratings drop below seven hundred, which is why a lot of borrowers in that range choose Federal Housing Admin loans instead. A fair score is usually in the range of 640 to 679. 

While most lending firms will still approve housing loans in this range, some financial institutions may turn people down. People should expect higher DTI or Debt-to-Income requirements, as well as stricter scrutiny of their finances. Federal Housing Admin debentures are usually an excellent bet here, as they still offer excellent rates and low DPs in this score range. 

Visit for details about DTI ratio.

Most Veterans Affairs lending firms will accept ratings in this range as well. A bad rating is about 600 to 639. A lot of housing debenture lending firms have their cutoff points, the minimum score financial institutions will allow, in this range, so people may have to contact a couple of lending firms before they find one who will accept them. 

A poor rating is anything below 600. People with ratings in this range will have a harder time getting a housing debenture, although it is not impossible to get one. Financial institutions that approve credits in this category are pretty bad lending firms. 

It is still possible to get a Federal Housing Admin debenture with a 600 or below, although the DP requirement will increase to ten percent for individuals with scores of 580 or lower. Individuals with ratings in this lowest range usually need to go to specialized bad credit housing debenture lending firms whose lending requirements may vary significantly from traditional loans - for instance, people may need to put up a bigger DP and have a huge financial reserve to get approved. Individuals should expect to pay high IRs as well.

How do people get these types of ratings?

Individuals with bad or poor ratings fall into these categories:

Borrowers with no to little credit

People who have not established their credits yet. They do not use cards, have never had a car loan and just do not have the record financial institutions can base their score on.

Individuals who are carrying a lot of debt

Even if people make all their monthly payments on time, it will still hurt their scores if they have maxed out their credit cards. They usually do not want to carry a balance greater than 25% of their limit on their cards.

Borrowers who have missed monthly obligations on their bills

While one late payment will not hurt a person’s financial standing too much, a pattern of several missed monthly amortizations will significantly lower their score. How late the person’s payments are, is also a huge factor - one payment more than ninety days late will have a huge impact compared to several payments that are only a month late. Individuals who have defaulted on their loans or had them referred to various collection agencies. It will take a significant bite out of people’s scores and will likely push them straight into poor credit territory.

Individuals who have been through a bankruptcy or foreclosure

These things have the most negative impact on a person’s rating and are usually compounded with more than one default.

Recovering from a poor rating

The good news is that this thing does not stay in people’s financial history forever. Negative items only stay on a person’s report for seven years, so if they can keep all their accounts in excellent standing for that long, their financial history will be wiped clean. 

But there is one exception - the Chapter Seven Bankruptcy. It can stay on a person’s financial report for up to ten years. Individuals do not even need to wait that long for their scores to recover. The worse impacts of negative items on people’s reports start to fade after two years, so their scores will start to improve at that point. 

Even with foreclosure or bankruptcy on a person’s record, they do not necessarily need to wait seven years to get a housing loan. They can be approved for a traditional Freddie or Fannie loan in as little as two to three years after the discharge of a Chapter Thirteen bankruptcy and one whole year for a Veterans Affairs or Federal Housing Admin debenture. 

The minimum is three years after a bankruptcy or foreclosure, but even here, it can be reduced to one year if the person can show mitigating circumstances, like a medical crisis or job loss. Suppose a person is in the first category, the kind of individual who simply has not established any financial standing. In that case, the thing they can do is very simple - they can find some kind of credit they can qualify for and use it responsibly. 

It might be a secured card, retailer’s CC, or car loan (co-signers can be a huge help). It will allow them to qualify for other debentures or CCs, which will further build their credit history so that they can qualify for a housing debenture within a couple of years. They just need to make sure that they don’t take too much debt and make their monthly amortization on time.