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25 Social Media Video Marketing Facts You Should Know

July 12, 2024·4 min read

We’ve rounded up 25 social media marketing facts to help you use video in your marketing strategy effectively. Get inspired and start creating your own social media videos.

Looking to get inspired for your next video marketing project? These 25 social media marketing facts will help you figure out where video is today and where it’s headed on social media channels across the globe.

25 Facts and Stats on Using Video in Social Media Marketing

New and older generations are embracing social media video at an exponential rate. Today’s digital marketing campaigns are really targeted at all users because the numbers of all users on social media channels are up and rising.

User-generated content is now accessible for anyone to make and share on social media with a click of the “record” button. Digital marketers are embracing that and using user-generated content in their campaigns. With the rise of the “selfie” style video, the marketing playing field is open to influencers, entrepreneurs and more.

people at a cafe enjoy social media videos on their phones

A Complete Guide to Social Media Video people at a cafe enjoy social media videos on their phones Get all the benefits and best practices for social media video across platforms. Get the Guide